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           Our Mission       

Why are we in business?

Our Mission

Our mission is to deliver premium benefits that allow our client organizations to build brand-equity and establish long-term loyalty from their customers, employees and members. Based on our extensive experience we are quite optimistic as to the potential applications of our premium products.  We look forward to the opportunity to work with you and your colleagues.  We provide you the tools you need to:

  • gain the attention and commitment of more prospects
  • close more sales
  • thrive in more markets
  • cut marketing costs
  • improve response and conversion rates
  • provide incentives in very small and affordable quantities


  • Why are we in business?


    One of the best ways is to provide quality incentive gifts to clients and people who refer clients. As it turns out, some of the most reliable and cost-effective incentives are TRAVEL INCENTIVES.

    However, not just any travel incentives will do. Many companies offer products that do not fit your industries needs. There are promises that are too good to be true and packages that sound great until your client goes to use them. And some offer little or no support if something goes wrong. Many travel incentive products are filled with blackouts, timeshare presentations or up-selling and you may turn a client away instead of providing the goodwill you intended. They are designed to get the sale without having to actually perform. Many charge hundreds of dollars while providing no more benefit to your borrowers than any package tour you can find every day on the internet.

    Your commissions are too important to take risks. You not only want the customer to work with you, you want them to tell their friends and to bring their business back to you.

    When you give them a travel gift make sure it satisfies the "Big 10 Requirements":

    1. Your program must be SIMPLE - you don’t want to be in the travel business

    2. The site is COMPLETE - everything is done for you, even custom marketing.

    3. LOW START UP COSTS - Don’t waste thousands before you really know your marketing program will work for you.  

    4. It’s powerful; your program must work for your company to help you do more business

    5. Extraordinarily COST EFFECTIVE - you’ll spend $25 to give your prospect $1,000 or more in real benefits

    6. EXOTIC - appeal to their emotional side with excitement and fun!

    7. TRUSTWORTHY; no excessive conditions, blackouts, or up-selling to more expensive options. Your customer gets exactly what they are promised; no more, no less.
    8. FULLY SUPPORTED -  products’ backed by the biggest travel incentive company in the world.
    9. It must be LEGAL - our products have been specifically priced to avoid violating most, if not all, gifting rules across industry guidelines.
    10. And most importantly, your programs must be PROVEN - value added travel incentives really work to help your prospects come to you for their needs, not just to get this deal now, but for their future business, and for their friends who need your products and services.

    This is why Sales Incentives is in business. We want YOU to succeed so incredibly well that you'll keep coming back for more.

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