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Opportunity #4:  Get your applications returned, quickly and complete

Script Options: Do you do business statewide or nationwide? One of the greatest challenges companies and salespeople face is spending big marketing dollars to get someone to agree to make a purchase; then they send the application out and it doesn't come back. You call and call, but your prospect is not home or is just too busy and has lost their motivation to move forward. Your marketing dollar and your sales efforts are wasted, and that is hard on your profits and your employees.

I recently worked with a company locally that sent out 21 applications and only received seven back. Needless to say, they were very unhappy. We added a little simple incentive to give a person $500 in travel coupons if they returned the application quickly, completed in full. The next time they sent out applications they received 75% of the applications back!  Don't lose your commissions because people forget why they were motivated in the first place. Get them to return the applications for you and make more commissions.

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