Sales Incentives

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Suggested Script for  
Opportunity #6: Using incentives to get more referrals

Salesperson: “I’ll get this application  going right away, and if I can get the few things I’ll need from you, this shouldn’t take long at all."

Prospect: “Sounds good to me.”

Salesperson: “I want to thank you for giving me your trust and doing business with me. Our service is the best, and I know you'll enjoy that vacation we're going to help you take.  The last thing I want to tell you is that referrals are the life blood of my business and I’d love it if you told a relative or a friend about me. If you have friends who might need our <products/service>  too, who might want to get a vacation like this, maybe you can give me their name or have them call me. If I can help them, I'll give them another trip just like yours and a gift for you, too."

Prospect: “You know, I was talking to our friends Jim and Susan just the other day and they mentioned they were thinking about <products/service>. They might want to meet you….”



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Opportunity #6: Using incentives to get
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Answering Objections

Objection: I don’t like to travel.    

Answer:  I understand keep in mind that everyone of these incentives is transferable to family or friends. Just send it along and they can enjoy the benefits.

Objection:  This sounds too good to be true. 

Answer:  (Remember: In your dialog, always call them “valid travel certificates.)  Well, sir (ma’am) the company we work with is a division of the Thomas Cook Group, you may be familiar with their currency exchange counters in airports and cities around the world. Thomas Cook is a $23 billion publicly traded company with over 70 travel companies in their network. This is the same company used by the Fortune 1000 companies for their promotions. You’ll find them to provide exactly the benefit they promise, no more, no less. I know you’ll be pleased.

Objection:  I got one of those travel certificates before.  It had so many blackouts we just gave up.  We never did use it.

Answer:  We’re fortunate to use the biggest and most reliable travel provider in the world.  There are minimal blackouts around the holidays, but no weekend restrictions, and by the way, no money to register or timeshare requirements, and no one will try to sell you extra tours or higher priced accommodations.   They do exactly what they promise.

Review Recommended
Solutions for

Opportunity #6: Using incentives to get more referrals
click here


" 93% of award recipients
preferred travel over other
Survey by USA Today


" Travel Incentives remain the
#1 Premium
to motivate ..."
Incentive Magazine



" 91% of North Americans
take a vacation
every year."
US Travel Data Center
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