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Sales Opportunities and Costomizable Marketing Letters

Opportunity #1:
More face to face appointments

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Letter A:  This letter is for setting an appointment.

Letter B:  Use this letter at the time of the appointment to deliver the promised incentive.

Opportunity #2:
Keep phone leads
on the line long enough to pre-qualify

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Letter A:  Use this letter to deliver the promised incentive you discussed during your phone call or in your email.

Opportunity #3:
Increase mail response rates

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Letter A:  This letter offers an incentive for responding to the mailer and submitting an application.

Letter B:  This letter offers an incentive when a prospect completes a purchase.

Opportunity #4:
Get your applications returned, quickly
and complete

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Letter A:  Getting your applications returned.

Opportunity #5:
Get more applications
by offering extra value

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This is a face to face environment.  Use the incentive as a closing tool for prospects reluctant to commit.

Opportunity #6:
Using incentives to get more referrals

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Letter A:  You might include something like this at the top of your correspondence with your clients.

Letter B: This is a follow up letter to past clients

Letter C:  This letter is a holiday offer.


"93% of award recipients
preferred travel over other
Survey by USA Today

"Travel Incentives remain the
#1 Premium
to motivate ..."
Incentive Magazine

"91% of North Americans
take a vacation
every year."
US Travel Data Center
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